
🔍 Welcome to AI Fact Checker!

🤖 AI Fact Checker is a useful and somewhat accurate tool created using Svelte and Tailwind CSS. It helps verify the things you see on the crazy internet. With the help of artificial intelligence, AI Fact Checker can quickly analyze and fact-check information to give you a better understanding of its accuracy.

🧐 The internet can be a confusing place, with fake news, misleading information, and clickbait articles all around us. AI Fact Checker is designed to help you navigate this digital maze, so you can make informed decisions and avoid falling victim to misinformation.

👀 We hope you find AI Fact Checker useful and informative! Please feel free to leave feedback or suggestions for future updates. You can also contact us through the website if you have any questions.

🌟 In addition, we are always looking for new opportunities to improve our skills and create useful, innovative tools for people to use. If you have any ideas or would like to work together, don't hesitate to reach out!

🎉 Check out AI Fact Checker today and start fact-checking with ease!